

Get Involved

Volunteers are essential in keeping our expenses low and enable the Food Bank to meet the increasing needs of New Mexico's hungry in tough economic times.  Volunteer at Roadrunner Food Bank


For information about volunteering at other locations throughout the state, contact us at 505-349-8825 or send and EMAIL.



You Can Host A Food Drive

Food drives help food banks secure high quality, nutritious items for those in need at a minimal cost.  Food drives are an important source of non-perishable foods year-round.



Host A Food Drive To Benefit the Food Bank


For information on hosting a food drive in other locations throughout the state, contact us at 505-349-8678 or send an EMAIL



You can get your Food Service Company to become a regular donor


Food banks collect donations from all kinds of businesses in the food industry, in New Mexico and across the country. We encourage all businesses in the food industry to donate the unmarketable, yet usable, food it would otherwise discard.  Call 505-349-8869 for more information.



You Can Be An Advocate For Hunger Relief Issues


It's easier than you think to let your elected officials know that the issue of domestic hunger relief is important to you and your family. Write a letter, make a phone call or send an e-mail.



You Can Make A Financial Contribution


Monetary donations help the Food Bank to purchase high quality foods, buy nutritious fruits and vegetables, pay for product transportation and help cover our operating and staff expenses.


There are currently over 600 organizations helping feed the hungry in New Mexico who depend on the Food Bank as their primary source of food. Your contributions help make sure that the Food Bank will always be there to help.

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