
Representatives in your area:

U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman

625 Silver SW Suite 103,

Albuquerque, NM 87102 346-6601


U.S. Senator Pete Domenici

201 Third St. NW Suite 710,

Albuquerque, NM 87102 346-6791

Ask Congress to Quickly Pass a Farm Bill

Although efforts continue in the Congress to develop a final Farm Bill that will secure the support of a majority of Members and the President, further progress on passage of a final bill will be delayed due to further negotiations. With concern that funding for anti-hunger programs may be reduced as lawmakers haggle over how much money to provide for the final bill, it is extremely important that Members of Congress hear from you about the need to adequately fund critical hunger programs that help needy Americans secure the food they need. Skyrocketing fuel and food prices and the nation’s economic slowdown make it increasingly difficult for many struggling families, seniors, and disabled individuals to make ends meet.  Please take action today and urge New Mexico's Members of Congress to quickly pass a final Farm Bill that supports federal nutrition programs that feed low-income Americans.

Sample letter to Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Sen. Pete Domenici, Rep. Steve Pearce, Rep. Tom Udall, and Rep. Heather Wilson

I am writing to respectfully request your strong support for a final Farm Bill conference report that provides at least $11.5 billion over 10 years for the Farm Bill’s Nutrition Title. This level of funding, which was included in the House-passed Farm Bill (H.R. 2419) is absolutely essential in light of the weakened economy and rising prices for basic necessities.

This level of support is crucial to support a final Farm Bill conference report that provides $250 million with annual indexing for the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP). This funding level was also included in the House-passed Farm Bill. Over the past several years, federal funding for TEFAP commodities has remained stagnant while food prices have risen by some 18%. Further, donations of bonus commodities bought for farm price support reasons and distributed by food banks to hungry Americans have declined by over 70% in just the past three years. TEFAP funding needs to be increased substantially and indexed for inflation to help make up for the erosion in commodity purchasing power and the loss of bonus commodity donations to food banks.

Finally, please support a final Farm Bill conference report that:

  1. Provides $250 million annually in mandatory TEFAP food purchases for food banks and indexes future commodity food donations to food price inflation.

  2. Authorizes $60 million for a grant program to help food banks and related organizations serving rural areas with the costs of accepting and distributing fresh foods to emergency feeding organizations.

  3. Includes Food Stamp Program improvements that expand eligibility and benefits and support the ability of food banks and other nonprofit organizations to conduct innovative food stamp outreach and enrollment initiatives;

  4. Reauthorizes and strengthens the Commodity Supplemental Food Program.

These priorities are critical to people who depend on food banks and their partner food pantries, soup kitchens, emergency shelters, Kids Cafés, adult day care, and senior centers for much needed food assistance.

Thank you in advance for your leadership and support of the inclusion of these priorities in the final Farm Bill and for the conference report’s quick passage. I look forward to your response.

Please include your name and address information with your letters.

First Congressional District

U.S. Representative Heather Wilson

20 First Plaza Suite 603

Albuquerque, NM 87102 346-6781


Second Congressional District

U.S. Representative Steve Pearce

400 North Telshor, Suite E

Las Cruces, NM 88011

Third Congressional District

U.S. Representative Tom Udall

811 St. Michael's Drive, Suite 104

Santa Fe, NM 87505

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